A Re-Parliamentarization of European Politics? The German Bundestag and the Euro-Crisis

Friday, March 14, 2014
Diplomat (Omni Shoreham)
Timm Beichelt , European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
While the German Bundestag has long been classified as another national parliament suffering from marginalization through Europeanization, the German lower chamber has played a vital role during the European public debt crisis. It has not only impeded on the German government's decisions in Brussels and elsewhere, but also used the opportunity to strengthen its institutional position vis-à-vis the executive. The contribution aims at describing these dynamics and explaining them within a broader logic of the re-strengthening of national legitimation patterns after the Lisbon Treaty.
  • washington CES bundestag and eurozone crisis 3-2014.pdf (162.1 kB)