Why Do States Develop Multi-Tier Emigrant Policies? Evidence from Egypt

Thursday, July 9, 2015
J208 (13 rue de l'Université)
Gerasimos Tsourapas , Department of Politics and International Studies, SOAS, University of London
Why do states vary their policies towards their citizens abroad, and why are some emigrant groups treated preferentially to others? The literature on the politics of international migration has yet to explore this as a separate field of inquiry, assuming that states adopt a single policy that encourages, sustains, or prevents emigration abroad. Yet, in the case of Egypt, the state developed a multi-tiered policy that distinctly favoured specific communities abroad over others. I hypothesize that policy differentiation is based upon the perceived utility of the emigrant group remaining abroad versus the utility of its return. This utility is determined by two factors: the sending state’s domestic political economy priorities, and its foreign policy objectives.
  • Tsourapas_CES_062015.pdf (444.4 kB)