Restrictions of EU Citizens' Mobility: Peculiarities of Spain

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
J104 (13 rue de l'Université)
Pilar Jimenez Blanco , University of Oviedo, University of Oviedo
Angel Espinella Menendez , University of Oviedo
The restrictive perspective towards freedom of movement and freedom of residence of European Union citizens has been reflected in policy changes adopted in Spain in recent years, following the trend set by the central and northern European countries. However, Spain has certain peculiarities in its socio-economic context that explain the different impact of these restrictions. 

Restrictions on the free movement of EU citizens: until 2012, residence in Spain of citizens of the EU was not submitted to any specific requirement. But, in 2012, the Royal Decree 16/2012 required the proof of the status of worker (with specific requirements) or the proof of the EU citizens have sufficient resources and sickness insurance in order to reside in Spain. These restrictions adopted by that Royal Decree are relevant in relation to health, because they intended to prevent the so called practice of "health tourism". Furthermore, these restrictions have to be analyzed in relation with the new policy in favor of a selective economic migration considering investment and entrepreneurship.

  • Paper Restrictions of EU Citizens Mobility.pdf (156.0 kB)