One Capitalism, Six Industrial Relations: Change in European Labour Market Governance, 1992-2012

Friday, July 10, 2015
H202B (28 rue des Saints-Pères)
Guglielmo Meardi , Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
The paper presents the main results of a study of industrial relations change and internationalisation pressures in the six largest EU countries in 1992-2012. The study is based on a qualitative historical analysis based on documents, media reports and interviews, and on a quantitative analysis of the main industrial relations and labour market policy indicators. Drawing on Crouch (1993) state political traditions approach, it is found that both qualitative and quantitative analysis reveals little evidence of convergence despite the commonality of international pressures. The one important common trend, resulting from the altered power balance between mobile capital and less mobile labour, is the weakening of trade unions and their effects. But labour market policy overall remains very different country by country despite EU policies. The most recent period, however, suggests that some convergence may occur among the more 'peripheral' countries (Italy, Spain and Poland) - this may only be tested empirically in the time to come.