103 The Politics of Migration and Integration in Germany

Wednesday, July 8, 2015: 4:00 PM-5:45 PM
H402 (28 rue des Saints-Pères)
The issue of migration has moved to the centre of party politics and policy making over the past years. Germany is a pertinent example of this trend: The official recognition of being a ‘country of immigration’ has triggered important changes to this country’s public debate, citizenship regulations and immigration/ integration policies. This panel will examine these developments with respect to a) Germany’s response to increasing numbers of asylum seekers over the past decades; b) post-perestroika ethnic immigration from the former Soviet Union to Germany; c) approaches to religious diversity in the German public school system and d) two papers addressing the structures and outcomes of Germany’s immigration and integration policy with a view to the dynamics of competitive party politics. The organizing idea of this panel is to identify key developments in Germany’s migration and integration regime and the actors driving them.
Oliver Schmidtke
Discussant :
Uwe Hunger
German Civic Integration Policies in Comparative Perspective
Sara Wallace Goodman, University of California, Irvine
Making Room for Islam in Germany¹s Public Schools: The Role of the Länder
Phil Triadafilopoulos, University of Toronto at Scarborough; Joachim Rahmann, Hertie School of Governance
See more of: Session Proposals