128 The EU's Crisis and Its Effects on Decision-Making and Policies (Roundtable)

Thursday, July 9, 2015: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
S13 (13 rue de l'Université)
The EU currently finds itself in a state of crisis. Unlike most situations that were attributed the same label in earlier times, the challenges are not only profound and multiple, but they also interconnect perceived or real failures on the level of policy (e.g. EMU) with shortcomings in terms of processes of European integration (politics) and public legitimacy. The round table will debate crucial issues of democracy as well as policy reform. Latest research will be presented, based inter alia on a systematic enquiry of some of the roundtable participants in a comparative project analysing crisis effects on various EU policy domains.
Gerda Falkner
Brigid Laffan , Fritz Scharpf , Zdenek Kudrna and Gerda Falkner
See more of: Session Proposals