048 Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining for Vulnerable Groups of Workers in Europe: Opportunities and Barriers

Wednesday, July 8, 2015: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
H202A (28 rue des Saints-Pères)
This paper panel is titled 'Social dialogue and collective bargaining for vulnerable groups of workers in Europe: opportunities and barriers". In this paper panel we will present, discuss and develop synergies between papers that address the following issues:

1.Responses of trade unions and employers (associations) to growing segmentation in labour markets in European countries and the growth of vulnerable groups of workers. How are the social partners’ responses influenced by the national industrial relations and political contexts and to EU Law and policies?

2. Experiences in collective bargaining to improve employment and/or quality of work for vulnerable workers groups. Are these collective bargaining practices effective in improving the position of (specific) vulnerable groups of workers? If ‘yes’: why? If ‘not’, why not?

3. What are innovative directions and prospects in collective bargaining at EU, national, sector, and company levels on improving the position of vulnerable workers and/or combatting segmentation and social exclusion? In what way can national and EU public policy enable or hinder efficient social dialogue and self-regulation aimed at reducing the number of ‘outsiders’ in the labour market? 

All five papers in this paper panel follow a multi-level and multi-disciplinary approach and are empirically based on two recent EU-projects: BARgaining for SOcial RIghts at Sectoral level (BARSORIS) and Intergenerational bargaining (iNGenBar).  

The paper panel will be chaired by Prof. dr. Maarten Keune and Prof.dr. Philippe Pochet wil be discussant.

Frank Tros
Oscar Molina
Discussant :
Philippe D. Pochet
Inter-Generational Bargaining in Italy
Roberto Pedersini, University of Milan; Lisa Rustico, University of Milan
Segmentation and Social Exclusion in Six Countries and Four Sectors: The Role of Trade Unions and Employers’ Organisations
Maarten Keune, University of Amsterdam; Nuria Elena Ramos Martin, University of Amsterdam
See more of: Session Proposals