152 Europe’s Neighborhoods in Disarray: The Challenge for EU Policy

Thursday, July 9, 2015: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
J211 (13 rue de l'Université)
Following two decades of policy for Europe's neighborhoods to the east and the South, there has been a breakdown in the conditions on which this policy was based. To the South, Arab uprisings, the collapse of regimes, civil wars, and mass migration of populations seeking less dangerous places have all combined to require a new approach for EuroMed policy. To the East, two decades of EU expansion and creating new relationships with post-Soviet nations has given way to a geo-political crisis that has undermined expectations of a reconfiguration of relationships in the post-Soviet space. The session will consider the ways in which the assumptions and goals on which  EU neighborhood policies have been based are no longer viable, will propose scenarios for further developments in these neighborhoods, and will consider the options facing Europe in redfining neighborhood policies.
Discussant :
Jacques Rupnik
The Transatlantic Relationship: Not Quite for the Scrapheap Yet
Anna Dimitrova, ESCE International Business School, Paris; Kristian L. Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
Russia's View of Its Neighborhood
Marie Mendras, Sciences Po, Paris
Russian Definitions of Security and European Policies
Igor Delanoe, St. Petersburg Academic University
See more of: Session Proposals