To answer this question, the paper is based on empirical material from cross-sectional cross-national quantitative survey on national identity, carried out in 1995, 2003 and 2013 within the International Social Survey Programme. We will conduct comparative analysis across countries and over time, focusing on two pairs of countries: post-soviet EU member states Estonia and Latvia, and social democratic EU member states Finland and Sweden. While acknowledging differences in those societal and national settings, we assume cultural, historic, geographical, and other similarities. Therefore, the question of impact of EU membership on the structure and strength of national identity becomes relevant. Finland and Sweden joined EU in 1995 and had by 2003 been in the EU 8 years - about the same time as Estonia and Latvia, who joined EU in 2004, by 2013, thus allowing fruitful comparisons.
Respondents' answers to the questions about „being truly” country’s national are explored, contributing to the discussions of the resilience or reactivity of closure in national identities in EU (Northern) member states.