Aidan Mcgarry (University of Brighton), Guya Accornero (University Institute of Lisbon), and Robert J. Davidson (University of Amsterdam) will each provide comments and critiques of both edited volumes. The book panel participants will specifically focus on exploring the broader theoretical implications of approaches utilizing the strategic interaction perspective by examining two questions: 1) In what ways is it possible to combine micro-sociological analyses of social movements with theory construction, and 2) What kind of theory (and a theory of what) can be built through analyses based on the strategic interaction perspective?
Duyvendak, Jan Willem and Jasper, James, eds. Players and Arenas. The Interactive Dynamics of Protest. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015.
Duyvendak, Jan Willem and Jasper, James, eds. Breaking Down the State. Protestors Engaged. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015.