Conflicting Values: New Member States and the Common European Asylum System

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
East Quad Lecture Theatre (University of Glasgow)
Jolan Nisbet , Politics, University of Glasgow
Conflicting values represent a clear challenge to the sustainability of the EU’s current and future progress, which greatly rely on the process of consensus building.  This conflict of values can be seen through the dialogue surrounding the refugee and migration crisis (2015), the ongoing debate over the distribution of asylum applicants, and the direction of the Common European Asylum System.

This paper aims to unpack more about how national interests, regarding the distribution of migrants, are being represented at the EU level.  It will question the extent to which Member States have been able to influence this ongoing policy development, and how this representation has occurred. The case which this paper will address specifically is Hungary, as based on the number of asylum applicants[1]  and the rise of right wing politics, this Member State has been vocal in its disagreement with the direction of the EU’s asylum policy. In the paper some preliminary, original research will be presented, which will illustrate the importance of internal national political structures and timing upon a country’s ability to assert its influence.

[1] During the first quarter of 2015 Hungary received 32 800 new asylum applications second behind Germany (73 100) followed at a distance by Italy (15 200), France (14 800), Sweden (11 400) and the United Kingdom (7 300) (Eurostat, 2015).