The media coverage of this european crisis has given rise to different frames in the news media: economic stories, political, humanitarian,.. . Inspired by the methodology proposed by Paul Ricoeur (1983, 1987, 1992) and Marc Lits (2007, 208), I will study the specificity of these treatments in the online media. Indeed, by the emergence of new techniques of narrative line (hypertextualisation and the use iconographic documents) we can see the emergence of new uses narrative in order to construct a particular European storytelling.
The study of these new narrative procedures put us in front of the emergence of a new way to tell Europe. And these new stories of Europe force us to deal with new European appropriations. So we will ask the question of the specificity of online stories ?
Do the European story is an unified story or is it a polyphonic one ? What are the stakes of an online story? Which kind of appropriations is given by this specific construction of Europe?