"Assessing the Embeddedness of Sustainable Community Movement Organizations (SCMOs) in Spain Since the 2008 Financial Crisis"

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
JWS - Room J10 (J355) (University of Glasgow)
Iván López , Faculty of Social Sciences and Work, Universidad de Zaragoza
Richard R Weiner , Rhode Island College
We move beyond the description and projected praxis of SCMOs introduced by Francesca Forno and her colleagues at SASE social economics forums. We suggest an interview instrument for assessing actual achievements of sustainable community movement organizations that have erupted in Catalonia and the rest of Spain since the 15-M Indignados movements of 2008. These are new forms of non-exclusive and non-cartelized social pact-ing that draw upon longstanding Spanish bonding connexion traditions of municipal mutual aid initiatives. We can study the durability of the pacts' social re-insertion in these SCMO ensembles. The proposed instrument will study instituted SCMO ensembles in their mutually accommodating each other with discrete agreements in instituting multi-layered and multi-scalar reflexive networks. Specifically, we can probe the extensiveness of normative inter-connexions in transversing rhizomic differentiation in nested and entangled.scales, as we ask:

* How webs of mutual recognition (i.e., networked moral economy) emerge among "islands of alternatives in a capitalist sea"?

* Whether the concept of social solidarity in the 21st century can be bolstered and renewed as a resilience bubbling up from below in a new form of social pact-ing -- understood in terms of homo reciprocans rather than homo oeconomicus ?

* How are these SCMOs linked together with each other in inter-urban, inter-regional and trans-border networks as chains of solidarity production, procurement, exchange, consumption, and finanacing in new forms of cooperatives and mutual aid?

* How are these SCMOs stimulating new transformative forms of awareness of sustainability as well as new paradigms of choice and responsibility?

  • Assessing the Embeddedness of SCMOs in Spain since the 2008 Financial Crisis.docx (416.5 kB)