Freedom Is a Noble Thing- Portraits of Glasgow's Refugees and Asylum-Seeker's 2011-2017

Friday, July 14, 2017
Gilbert Scott Building - Room 134 (University of Glasgow)
Sarah Pauline Leonard , Not applicable, Gramnet/University of Glasgow
I am submitting a visual arts proposal along with film-maker, Eve Leonard.

The exhibition of portrait drawings will link to  films that have been made about the portraiture project

that began at the YMCA at Red Road, Springburn, Glasgow, in 2012 and has continued up to the present day.

This involved a collaboration between myself , Artist in Residence with Gramnet, and the residents and visitors

to the drop-in at the YMCA, which was then located on the 14th floor of a tower block in Springburn.

The sitters were all refugees and asylum-sekkers.It was a very popular project, resulting in over 600 portraits.

The purpose of the portait-making evolved over time from being a simple diversion, and a way of welcoming

people, to giving an insight into the lives of one of the most misunderstood, and often maligned sections

of the Scottish community.There is a larger immigrant community in Glasgow than anywhere else in Scotland.

  • Sarah Leonard 2017 paper.docx (20.6 kB)