Transnational Executive Bodies: EU Policy Implementation Between the EU and Member State Level

Friday, July 14, 2017
Gilbert Scott Conference Room - 250 (University of Glasgow)
Gijs Jan Brandsma , Political Science, Universiteit Utrecht
Existing typologies of the European Administrative Space locate decision-making powers with the European Commission, member state governments, and EU and national agencies. Sometimes the implementation of EU policies is aided through regulatory networks that facilitate cooperation and coordination, but lack formal decision-making powers. This paper argues that existing typologies are incomplete, because they do not take into account the existence of transnational executive bodies: specialized organisations that are responsible for administering and implementing EU policies across multiple member states, that are neither part of the EU Commission nor of EU agencies, whose decisions are legally binding. They represent a form of governance in a previously uncharted area of the European administrative space. We document their workings by presenting a case study of the Rhine-Alpine Corridor organisation, a transnational executive body implementing parts of the EU rail freight policy.
  • Onderzoeksdag_RJ_GJB.pdf (231.1 kB)