001 Comparative capitalism and European Integration (Part 1)

Comparative capitalism and European Integration
Wednesday, July 12, 2017: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
WMB - Hugh Fraser Seminar Room 2 (University of Glasgow)
(This panel is one of two of a symposium on comparative capitalism and European integration).  Previous scholarship on comparative political economy highlights that different national varieties of capitalism, and the institutions and political coalitions that underpin them, can co-exist with intensified European integration by undertaking diverse responses to common challenges. However, current events, most prominently the Euro-crisis and subsequent EU policy response to it, suggest that the EU’s different political economies are not similarly thriving under deepened European integration. This panel provides a re-think as to whether diverse capitalist regimes are equally capable of adjusting to European economic and monetary integration.  Panel papers examine the how the European Monetary Union was created to remove political conflicts over  macroeconomic (currency) adjustment between different varieties of capitalism in Northern and Southern Europe (Höpner and Spielau), and also how EMU had perverse feedback effects on growth models in the South by making them net-exporters of financial assets (Fuller) and by imposing a one-size fits all austerity policy on these countries, who political economies rely heavily on domestic-demand rather than exports (Perez and Matsaganis).
Alison Johnston
Alison Johnston
Discussant :
Aidan Regan
Discretionary Exchange Rate Regimes: Lessons from the European Monetary System, 1979-1988
Martin Hoepner, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne; Alexander Spielau, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Exporting Assets: The Euro and the Flip Side of Comparative Advantage
Gregory William Fuller, University of Groningen
The Political Economy of Austerity: Understanding Variation in Distributive Outcomes in Southern Europe
Sofia A. Perez, Boston University; Manos Matsaganis, Athens University of Economics and Business
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