013 Political Competition in a Multi-Dimensional Political Space

Wednesday, July 12, 2017: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
WMP Yudowitz Seminar Room 1 (University of Glasgow)
Within the proposed panel we aim at investigating the processes of political competition within a multi-dimensional political space. While a renewed and growing interest in the dynamics of party competition in recent years has resulted in a deeper understanding of the strategic behavior of political parties, most of this research has been limited to parties’ movements on the left-right dimension. However, scholars of the transformations of post-industrial societies (e.g. Kriesi et al 2008; Beramendi et al. 2015) have come to the conclusion that political preferences in post-industrial societies cannot adequately be captured by a simple left-right dichotomy. In this panel, we thus want to bring together scholars of the strategic behavior of parties with those of the transformations of the political space. The papers in this panel all address the question of how established insights into party and voting behavior play out in a transformed and multi-dimensional political space. We want to know how the economic vote is conditioned by parties’ “second dimension” positions such as the environment; how coalition formation is affected by parties’ multi-dimensional positions; how trade-offs of vote- and office-seeking affect parties of the mainstream right; how the multi-dimensionality of the political space affects issue-ownership voting; and how social democratic parties’ overlap in voters with other parties affects their policy positions.
Jane Gingrich
Discussant :
Herbert Kitschelt
Luxury Goods Voting and Multi-Party Competition
Tarik Abou-Chadi, Humboldt-University Berlin; Mark Kayser, Hertie School of Governance
Explaining Voter Responses to Mainstream Parties’ Moderation Strategies
Jonathan Polk, University of Gothenburg; Johannes Karreth, Ursinus College
Party System Change and Coalition Politics in the Multiparty Systems of North-Western Europe
Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam; Tom van der Meer, University of Amsterdam
The Consequences of a Multidimensional Political Space for Issue Ownership Voting
Simon Lanz, University of Geneva; Nathalie Giger, University of Geneva
See more of: Session Proposals