190 European Union in Crisis: (What) Can We Learn from Other Cases?

Thursday, July 13, 2017: 4:00 PM-5:45 PM
WMB - Hugh Fraser Seminar Room 2 (University of Glasgow)
The European Union (EU) is currently facing major challenges that not only put into question the overall process of European integration, but also the EU’s capacity to effectively resolve shared problems. In the quest to generate evidence that helps us to understand and mediate these problems, Europeanists tend to approach the EU as a unique and unprecedented economic, political and administrative system that requires a separate analytical approach. As a result, we often observe insulated strands of research on the EU that undertake little efforts to connect their insights to the broader study of similar phenomena. To the contrary, this panel seeks to illuminate how we can learn about contemporary challenges in the EU from other cases and theories. The panel gathers contributions on a broad range of topics concerning the EU that explicitly use theoretical, analytical or empirical insights from other strands of literature and empirical cases. Comparable cases include, for example, other multi-level governance systems; other inter- and supranational organizations; and referenda in (semi-) democratic systems. Useful theoretical and practical insights may be gained from the literature on democratic participation, policy integration, management reforms, risk regulation, policy learning, and multi-level implementation theory. The panel gathers papers that explicitly argue for comparability and derive lessons for contemporary issues in the EU. Thereby, the panel seeks to unravel the potential and limits of how cumulative knowledge in Political Science and related fields may advance our current understanding of the EU in important ways.

Philipp Trein and Eva Thomann
Miriam Hartlapp and Philipp Trein
EU Referenda: What to Learn from the Swiss Case
Eva Thomann, Heidelberg University; Eva Heidbreder, University of Dusseldorf; Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, University of Bern; Fritz Sager, University of Bern
Moving Beyond the Sui Generis Verdict: Comparing Management Reforms in the European Commission with Other International Organizations
Jörn Ege, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer; Michael W. Bauer, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
It’s Policy Learning, Stupid!
Claire A Dunlop, University of Exeter; Claudio Radaelli, University of Exeter
See more of: Session Proposals