253 Youth Unemployment in Europe: Beyond the Official Statistics

Friday, July 14, 2017: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
WMB - Hugh Fraser Seminar Room 2 (University of Glasgow)
Youth unemployment has proved itself a formidable challenge for European societies. The media and policymakers have been quick to highlight the recent drop in European youth unemployment rates compared to years past. Yet while some countries and regions seem to have emerged relatively unscathed, with rates under 5%, others are still reeling in the aftermath of the crisis and struggle with youth unemployment rates over 60%. What the official statistics fail to reveal is the great variation both within countries and across various groups of young people. Moreover, young people’s experiences and perceptions as well as the various challenges they face when transitioning to adulthood are not captured by these unemployment rates. This panel seeks to broaden the perspective on youth unemployment in Europe and go beyond the official statistics in two ways. First, we aim to offer insights into the unique situations young Europeans face along their paths to adulthood and to zoom in on the risks they may encounter. Second, we welcome papers examining the ways in which the youth themselves perceive and think about the labour market situation of young people in Europe. By combining these two approaches, the panel seeks to provide insights into sustainable approaches to improving young Europeans’ employment chances as well as to examine how persistent problems of youth unemployment transform societies, their responses, as well as the youth themselves.
Jennifer Shore
Discussant :
Emily Rainsford
Transition from School to Work in Times of Economic Crisis: The Case of Spanish Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
Mihaela Vancea, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; Mireia Utzet, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
What Low Youth Unemployment Rates Don’t Tell Us: Young Germans’ Paths to Economic Self-Sufficiency
Jennifer Shore, Heidelberg University; Bettina Schuck, Heidelberg University
Perceived and Objective Employability Among Young Unemployed
Monika Muehlboeck, University of Vienna; Nadia Steiber, University of Vienna; Bernhard Kittel, University of Vienna
Responsibility Attribution in the Eu's Multilevel System: The Issue of Youth Unemployment
Jale Tosun, Heidelberg University; Carolin Rapp, University of Bern; Inta Mierina, University of Latvia
See more of: Session Proposals