226 The New Faces of Socio-Economic Governance in the EU : Flexibility, Conditionality, Ownership

Friday, July 14, 2017: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
John McIntyre - Room 201 (University of Glasgow)
In the aftermath of the financial and debt crisis from 2008-2010, socio-economic governance in the EU has been in flux. On the one hand, boundaries between hard and soft law are now more blurred than ever. On the other hand, the responsibilities and interactions between EU institutions and national authorities have become increasingly intertwined. While the effects of said transformations are both differentiated and difficult to assess, “structural reforms” seem inescapable in today’s economic policy making.

This panel shall examine the transformation of EU socio-economic governance in the framework of the so-called European Semester. More particularly, the papers gathered look at three dimensions:

ü  Public policy instruments – old, new, or revamped – used to achieve a better coordination of national policies. We are especially interested in indicators used in the European Semester as well as in new forms of conditionality recently introduced

ü  Adjustments in criteria for evaluation and implementation vis-à-vis strict deficit rules and the flexibility granted to Member States governments. Such politics of the Semester are reflected in the interactions among actors involved in the relevant policy networks

ü  Efforts deployed to increase the political acceptance of the reforms advocated by EU institutions among national political and social actors, a notion understood as ownership

These three dimensions shall shed light on the legitimacy issues pertaining to socio-economic governance as well as on the nature of the reforms adopted and effectively conducted both at the stage of policy formulation and policy implementation.

Sofia A. Perez
Discussant :
Sofia A. Perez
When Member States Look Daggers at Each Other’s. Analyzing Ownership and Conditionality As New Modes of Governance in the EU Policy Making
Ramona Coman, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Fanny Sbaraglia, Université libre de Bruxelles
Reforming Labor Markets in the Eurozone: Italy and France Compared
Stefano Sacchi, University of Milan; Beatrice Magistro, University of Washington
Negotiating Constraints. Structural Reforms and National Ownership in the EU
Amandine Crespy, Université libre de Bruxelles²; Pierre Vanheunerzwijn, Centre d’étude de la vie politique (CEVIPOL)
See more of: Session Proposals