171 Intra-European Mobilities in a Changing Political Scenario: New Flows, New Migrants, New Issues I

Thursday, July 13, 2017: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
JWS - Stevenson Lecture Theatre (University of Glasgow)
Over the past few decades, and especially since the irruption of the economic crisis in 2008, migration movements within Europe have increased and diversified. On the one hand, migration patterns now include a variety of mobilities along the South-North and East-West axes, including permanent and temporary flows, as well as different types of onward, circular and return movements. Migrants also represent an increasingly diverse group, according to their different characteristics, migrant statuses and motivations for their migration. Finally, the consequences of these new mobilities have grown in complexity, both at the macro and micro levels, especially in the current context of increased hostility towards all types of migration. We aim to cover some of these themes by focusing specifically on the following issues:

- intensification of South-North migration flows within Europe as a result of the economic crisis;

- situation of naturalized migrants migrating within the EU;

- East-West mobilities in the current political context;

- social, economic and political rights of intra-EU migrants in the current context, and their contestation;

- and integration processes in the cases of onward, multiple, circular and return migration movements within Europe.

The aims are two: to create new knowledge about the evolution of migration movements within Europe, and in particular in the EU, and how these are being dealt with; and to contribute to the more general academic and theoretical debates on the increasing complexity of mobility patterns internationally. The panel is divided in two sessions and adopts a multidisciplinary approach.

Laura Oso
Discussant :
Eleonore Kofman
Spanish and LATIN American Intra-European Mobilities and Circularity
Laura Oso, Universidade da Coruña; Diego Lopez de Lera, Universidade da Coruña
Gains and Losses of Latin American Migrants Remigrating within Europe: The Case of Colombians, Ecuadoreans and Brazilians
Anastasia Bermudez, Universidad de Sevilla; Laura Oso, Universidade da Coruña
Beyond the 2008 Crisis? Recent Chances in Andean Families’ Access to Global Social Protection Arrangements
Maria Vivas, Universite de Liege; Cristina Ramos, University of Florida
See more of: Session Proposals