277 Sexual Democracy and its Discontents: Citizenship, Sexuality, and Religion in Europe

Friday, July 14, 2017: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Gilbert Scott Building - Room 656A (University of Glasgow)
The question of sexual democracy, i.e., the extension of full civil rights to women as well as to citizens who do not conform to heterosexual ‘normality,’ has in recent decades come to play an increasingly central role in debates on European citizenship and the symbolic meaning of 'Europe'. Notions of sexual equality and liberty have been central to a culturalization of citizenship - a process grounded in discourses that represent the world as divided into different, inimical cultures and that frame European societies as in need of protection against the effects of immigration, transnationalization, and ‘Islamization’. Proponents of this cultural protectionism frame migrants - especially Muslims - as outsiders and emphasize the need for their cultural education and their assimilation into a European moral universe. Indeed, the culturalization of citizenship has gone hand in glove with the framing of Muslims as backward, intolerant and incongruous with ‘European’ secular modernity. In debates around sexual democracy - especially lesbian and gay rights - European societies have been recast in terms of an opposition between native and 'Other' moralities, between ‘tolerant citizens’ and ‘intolerant (migrant and Muslim) others’. In this panel, we aim to examine these dynamics by focusing on the complex relationships of cultural differences and sexual diversity. We propose discussing faith and LGBTQ rights; gender and religion; the rise of queer Muslim social movements; and the varieties of ‘being queer’ in Europe today.
Markus Balkenhol
Discussant :
Jan Willem Duyvendak
Pride and Its Discontents. Sexual Politics, Secularism, and Cultural Alterity
Paul Mepschen, University of Amsterdam / Leiden University
See more of: Session Proposals