173 Navigating Immigration, Integration, Diversity and Collective Identity in Minority Nation States: The Sustainability and Transformation of Policies in Scotland and Quebec

Thursday, July 13, 2017: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
WMB - Hugh Fraser Seminar Room 2 (University of Glasgow)
Scotland and Quebec face a common challenge when it comes to immigration, integration, diversity and identity-related policies: the need to meet distinct demographic, social, economic and identity-related concerns in the context of a federal policy framework. The 1991 Canada-Quebec Accord cemented Quebec’s control over immigration to the province. In pursuing interculturalism, the province has also distanced itself from the federal policy of multiculturalism when it comes to incorporating immigration-related diversity. In contrast, immigration to Scotland remains in the hands of Westminster, although the devolution of powers in that area has become an important matter of debate since the independence referendum and Brexit vote. At the same time, Scotland has used its powers over policy areas affecting immigrant integration (health, education, housing, children’s services, legal aid, and policing) to pursue a multicultural approach to accommodating diversity.

This roundtable brings together experts on immigration, integration and diversity-related policies in Scotland and Quebec in order to compare and contrast policy approaches in minority-nation states and their outcomes. How have policies evolved in these two regions over the past few decades? What are the biggest social and political challenges deriving from immigration in Scotland and Quebec today, and how are they being addressed in policy? What can each context learn from the other?

Jennifer Elrick
Sarah Craig , James Kennedy , Marie Mc Andrew and Daniel Weinstock
See more of: Session Proposals