This panel features papers which analyse the role of experts and expertise, i.e. those agents involved in producing policy (discourses) directed at political elites (and often co-produced with them) and at the electorate in crisis situations, with regards to the various crises that have engulfed Europe since 2008.
Themes that papers could address are wide-ranging, but may include analysis of if and how experts and their organisations contributed to crisis-related policy debates and decisions designed to ensure sustainability or transformation of certain arrangements, whether they played a role in shaping new or defending 'old' understandings of particular situations, the role of experts in pushing certain measures or fighting against them, whether crisis situations have contributed to a change in the 'civic epistemologies' in any of the affected polities, how experts and their expertise relate to other political actors transnationally, and how the relationship between expertise/knowledge and policy/politics may have changed during and because of crisis.