Wednesday, July 12, 2017: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
Gilbert Scott Building - Room 132 (University of Glasgow)
The panel explores changes in welfare policy and the provision of welfare in Russia and Eastern Europe since the fall of the communist regimes. In all countries of the region the role of the central state has been severely reduced and the provision of many forms of welfare are either no longer provided, or are provided by local government, NGOs, churches and other civic associations. This raises a number of questions, including the following three which form the focus of the papers in this panel: he relation between central state, local state and NGOs in the provision of welfare and the character of the impact and independent role NGOs may have; the implications of the changes for the criteria according to which welfare is provided and which social groups are seen to qualify for support; and what implications these changes have for the character of the overall welfare regime in these societies.
Vikki Turbine
Discussant :
Zhanna Chernova
See more of: Session Proposals