265 Changing practices of international cooperation: Policy coherence and nexus-management

European and Global Dimensions of Sustainability
Friday, July 14, 2017: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Forehall (University of Glasgow)
The panel seeks to attract papers and drafts that explore novel ways of theorizing and/or offer fresh empirical insights with regard to the implications of changing roles and decision-behaviour in diplomacy on international relations (IR) in general, as well as the formulation and implementation of the European Union’s (EU) foreign and development policy, as well as humanitarian aid and migration studies and related fields. Papers could analyse specific areas for policy coherence or nexus management, such as the security-governance-development nexus; the trade- or climate-development nexuses.

Which are the institutional pre-dispositions, behavioural logics, and ‘ways of doing things’ enabling or constraining the coordination of transformative policies towards sustainable development? Which factors contribute to the adaptation of and/or the emergence of new patterns of comprehensive collective action? How does the EU cope with and adapt to global challenges and ambiguities in international affairs on the one hand, but also to new ambiguities in preference formation?

Discussant :
Mark Furness
A New Typology for Global Development: Moving Beyond the Dichotomy of Rich and Poor Countries
Christine Hackenesch, Deutsches Institut fuer Entwicklungspolitik