240 Critical Action and Its Effect on the Welfare State

Friday, July 14, 2017: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
JWS - Room J15 (J375) (University of Glasgow)
How Workfare Shapes Social Solidarity: Cross-National Trends in Workfare and Public Opinion Since the 1980s
Alexander Horn, Aarhus University; Anthony Kevins, Aarhus University; Kees van Kersbergen, Aarhus University
Establishing the Potential for Relational and Critical Action Research within Scottish Public Service Reform
Claire Bynner, University of Glasgow; James Henderson, University of Edinburgh
The Conditioning Effect of Party Linkages on Attitudes on Health Care Provision
Alexandru Moise, Central European University; Evelyne Hübscher, Central European University
See more of: Session Proposals