Which “Women” Are Represented in a Period of Crisis? Intersectionality and Representation in Germany

Thursday, June 27, 2013
5.59 (PC Hoofthuis)
Louise K. Davidson-Schmich , University of Miami
This paper’s goal is to provide a nuanced picture of women in German political life, both in terms of descriptive representation (which types of women are physically present in positions of power) and substantive representation (whether these women are empowered to speak on behalf of others like themselves). I describe not only which types of women can be found in which types of posts and which other types of women are excluded from political power, but also document on whose behalf women elective office are able to speak. I discuss the ramifications of these findings on substantive representation during a period of economic crisis.
  • Davidson Schmich CES 2013.pdf (359.0 kB)