The Gendered Politics of Muslim Integration in Western Europe

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
5.60 (PC Hoofthuis)
Kimberly Morgan , George Washington University
This paper investigates why and how gender has been deployed
by political elites to drive a wedge between Muslim minority groups
and the majority population in a number of Western European states.
Gender has been a central battleground in debates over the treatment
and accommodation of Muslim minorities in Denmark, France, the
Netherlands, and Sweden, to name a few.  Highlighting the vulnerable
status of minority women has helped justify “intolerance in the name
of tolerance,” allowing critical views of these minority groups to be
bluntly aired and often widely embraced.  In this paper, I employ
process-tracing to identify the origins and evolution of these public
statements. My aim is to determine which actors have put forth these
claims, who has supported or contested them, and why such discourses
have become so prevalent in contemporary debates over immigrant