Gendering citizenship regimes and welfare regimes in post-Yugoslav states

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
5.55 (PC Hoofthuis)
Chiara Bonfiglioli , University of Edinburgh
Citizenship regimes and welfare regimes in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia have undergone profound political, economic and social changes as a result of their post-socialist, post-conflict transition and as a consequence of processes of Europeanization and globalization affecting the region in the last twenty years. This contribution addresses the gendered character of these transformations, focusing on changes in women`s welfare and labour rights. In which way was productive and reproductive labour reconfigured within the new citizenship regimes of post-Yugoslav states? Which continuities and discontinuities exist between the gender regimes existing in the different Yugoslav republics and the gender regimes established in post-Yugoslav states? Which new legal and political frameworks have been established on the terrain of welfare and labour, and how do they shape women’s socio-economic rights? The paper will also consider the impact of EU gender equality policies on post-Yugoslav states. It will adopt at intersectional methodology, looking at gender regimes in their interaction with other factors of social differentiation such as sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, education, class, post-war contexts, centre and periphery. Changes in gender regimes and in welfare regimes, thus, will be assessed in their intersections with broader transformations of citizenship regimes in post-Yugoslav successor states.
  • C.Bonfiglioli-presentation-CES.docx (31.8 kB)