(N)Euro(tics): A Rhetorical Analysis of Dutch and American Media Coverage of Euro Anxiety and the Rise of the "Neuro."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
A1.18D (Oudemanhuispoort)
Daphne Payne Desser , English, University of Hawaii
This paper will perform a contrastive rhetorical analysis of media coverage anxiety about the euro as well as media coverage on the rise of the idea of the "neuro" as expressed in on-line tweets posted by prominent Dutch and American journalists published in mainstream and established venues, such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, De Volkskrant, and NRC Handelsblad. Through the application of contemporary rhetorical theories to the relatively new Habermasian "public sphere" of the twitter-verse, this research will 1) compare and contrasts prominent Dutch and American journalists' methods of covering anxiety regarding the euro and their methods of covering the rise of the idea of the "neuro" via discursive features particular to twitter, such as the limit to 140 characters and the use of embedded links, 2) compare and contrast prominent Dutch and American editorialists' methods of presenting arguments regarding euro anxiety and the rise of the idea of the "neuro" via discursive features particular to twitter, 3) argue that such forms of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research contributes to a more complete understanding of the international differences in perception regarding euro anxiety and the "neuro" as well as elucidating the significant connections among the use of new media in journalism, contemporary rhetorical theories, and political discourse.
  • N (Eurotics).docx (306.4 kB)