063 Understanding European Political Communication: Content & Effects

Tuesday, June 25, 2013: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
2.04 (Binnengasthuis)
This panel seeks to explore different aspects of political communication research, with a special focus the role the media play in European politics and European political behaviour. A growing number of studies in the social sciences investigate the effects the media have on everyday politics and on citizens’ voting behaviour and political opinions. Such political communication research thus examines the interchanging relationships between three sets of actors: politicians, the media and the public. The papers in this panel shine a light on these actors from a distinctly European perspective. Paper 1 examines the relationship between politicians and the media in four European countries. Paper 2 presents a content analysis of news media content and Papers 3 and 4 examine the influences of the political news media on European citizens voting behaviour and attitudes.
Rens Vliegenthart
Gunnar Thesen
When News is Politics and Politics becomes News: A reciprocal analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in four West-European countries
Rosa van Santen, Leiden University; Peter Van Aelst, University of Antwerp; Luzia Helfer, Leiden University
Framing the Event: When Events Facilitate Re-framing
Camilla Bjarnøe Jensen, Aarhus University
Attack or Substance? Different types of conflict in the news and their effect on citizen engagement
Andreas Schuck, University of Amsterdam; Claes H. de Vreese, University of Amsterdam
Political Humour in the Media: Effects on citizens’ social trust and efficacy
Sophie Lecheler, University of Amsterdam; Andreas Schuck, University of Amsterdam
See more of: Session Proposals