217 EU Policies In a Global Perspective – Shaping Or Taking International Regimes?

Thursday, June 27, 2013: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
C1.23 (Oudemanhuispoort)
The EU traditionally displays a strong commitment to multilateral solutions and global governance. But how do the EU’s policies perform if viewed from a global perspective? This book panel is about the EU’s global role in different functional areas, introducing a common conceptual framework to study the EU’s interaction with global regimes in major policy areas the EU adopted for itself. In the panel, three out of ten EU policy areas examined in the book will be presented, as well as the cross-comparative findings. Is the Union a policy exporter or a policy taker? What is the relative importance of its sectoral regime compared to both national and global activities? The first contribution to this panel presents a conceptual framework for mapping the relative importance of EU policy regimes in the multi-level global governance system and for examining EU policy export. Drawing on the literature of international norm diffusion and the EU's role in global governance institutions, it describes mechanisms of EU policy export and the conditions under which it is expected to succeed or fail. The subsequent contributions build on this framework and examine the EU’s export of rules, norms and standards to international regimes in selected EU policy areas, including social policy, transport, and finance (banking and accounting) .
Gerda Falkner
Liesbet Hooghe and Michael Zürn
The EU as a Policy Exporter – a Conceptual Framework
Patrick Müller, Institute For European Integration Research
Preventing Unwanted Imports: the EU Role in Global Banking and Accounting Regulation
Zdenek Kudrna, University of Vienna - Institute for European Integration Research
EU Policy Export: Cross-comparative Conclusions
Gerda Falkner, University of Vienna
See more of: Session Proposals