054 Beyond the Economic: Ethnographic Approaches to the European Crisis-Reflections Upon the Greek Case

Tuesday, June 25, 2013: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
A1.18C (Oudemanhuispoort)
With the central underlying principle that the crisis is not only economic, or even that the economy is a much more complex field than we usually think, this panel seeks to unravel vicissitudes of experiencing the crisis in Greece.  By focusing on everyday-life loci, it explores ethnographically the interlocking of emotion and sentiment (e.g. frustration, fear, anger, hate), of dominant and emerging rhetorics (e.g. “Greece as Victim,” Greece as casualty of hostile market forces), of ideological genealogies (e.g. “resistance,” “progressivism”), and of respective practices (e.g. blaming, denouncing).  It explores how these are deployed by subjects, and specifically how the new state of affairs is narrated, managed, or grappled with, in changing landscapes of everyday life such as the home, various contexts of sociality, the Greek university, and the city streets (i.e. the Athens historic center), by subjects positioned in them as professionals, colleagues, citizens, or city dwellers.  We contend that such instances are pivotal and constitute par excellence means of interpreting the crisis, because they are products of specific historical processes within the national state in the longue durée, to which the current state of predicament can be attributed.  Although focusing on Greece, the purpose of this panel is not a thematic preoccupation over one national history, let alone a reproduction of stereotypes of Greece as unique European case; rather, it is to provide ground for comparative approaches to the European crisis, and to treat crisis as a (Mauss-ian) “total social fact,” that is, beyond the narrowly institutional.
Aspasia Theodosiou
“Between Good and Evil, Victim and Culprit, Credible and Untrustworthy:” Moralizing as a Means of Narrating the Greek Debt Crisis
Aspasia Theodosiou, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, and Open University (Greece)
Universities in Crisis: Towards an Anatomy of “Resistance”
Vassiliki Yiakoumaki, University of Thessaly, Greece
See more of: Session Proposals