215 Transnational Practices and Identification in Europe

Transnationalism and Identification in Europe
Thursday, June 27, 2013: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
C3.17 (Oudemanhuispoort)
In his path-breaking book, Euroclash, Neil Fligstein highlights the existence of a relationship between the frequency of travel within Europe and identification with Europe.  Although the empirical relationship had been observed before, Fligstein inserts it into a more general discussion about the role of transnational ties in the development of transnational identifications that finds inspiration in the theoretical work of Karl Deutsch.  This panel focuses again on the link between transnational practices and identification but moves beyond Fligstein in several ways.  First, it questions the idea of a unilateral relationship between adult transnational practices and identification.  It examines the role of transnational socialization practices and posits a reciprocal relationship between practice and identity.  Secondly, it makes us aware of the fact that not all transnational practices need to have the same impact on identification and then shows which ones are more conducive to the development of transnational identifications.  Finally, it provides a plausible account for the impact of the current economic crisis on the EU’s legitimacy and in identification with Europe, where changes in the propensity to move across Europe, play a significant role.
Helga de Valk
Helga de Valk
Socialization, Transnational adult practices, and identification.
Juan Díez Medrano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Teresa Castro Martín, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CISC); Clara Cortina, Universidad Pompeu Fabra