110 Transformations in Public Policy and Governance in Turkey in Comparative Pre-Accession Perspective

Wednesday, June 26, 2013: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
C1.23 (Oudemanhuispoort)
Public policies in Turkey had been undergoing massive transformation, or so the existing literature on Turkey suggests. Moreover, The literature generally attributes these transformations to the transformative power of the EU by pointing to the correlation between a series of policy reversals since the early 2000s and deepening relations with the EU without investigating further the causal mechanisms operating therein. This panel, however, problematizes such alleged impact of the EU in five key public policy domains (budgetary policy, employment policy, regional policy, immigration policy and anti-corruption policy) by investigating the relative impact of the EU in driving changes in policy and governance, and to the extent that it does, the mechanisms through which Europeanization takes place across these policy domains. The panel presents the findings of a medium-scale multi-annual collaborative research project funded by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) as well as two doctoral research projects which are close to completion. Methodologically, although they present findings based on a single country case, all the papers in the panel are explicitly designed as comparative case studies findings of which speak to other case studies of pre-accession to the EU. Based on case study methods including process tracing techniques capable of revealing within case causal mechanisms, the papers heavily rely on qualitative in-depth interviews with key policymakers and other stakeholders as well as other primary sources including programming documents, parliamentary minutes, and legislative acts. Secondary sources include the scholarly literature and print media reporting. The papers categorically share a ‘bottom-up’ research design characteristic of the most recent wave of Europeanization studies. Collectively, they point to differential mechanisms of Europeanization across key policy domains in a single country case study.
Paolo Roberto Graziano
Paolo Roberto Graziano
See more of: Session Proposals