051 Film Screening and Discussion with Filmmaker

Europe and Europe in the World: The Politics of Belonging and Social Inclusion
Wednesday, July 8, 2015: 12:45 PM-2:00 PM
H201 (28 rue des Saints-Pères)
In this context, film operates as a social texts, that is, as socio-historical, visual document that narrates, as it represent, the politics of belonging and identity within France. As a recent effort, this film engages a number of critical questions that are not specific to France yet go under-discussed in scholarly forums, even as they gain increased visibility in a number of European societies. France, in particular, illuminates these questions at times similarly, at times distinctively, owing to its colonial history and immigration policies that are central social mutations, ever-evolving there and elsewhere in Europe, as the opening remarks by Dr. Mamadou Diouf will clarify. In this way, the film brings the sessions full circle, as does it invite critical discussion and reflection of these issues in conversation with the filmmaker in and beyond France.
Mame-Fatou Niang
Discussant :
Mame-Fatou Niang
Afro-Diasporic French Identities
Nathalie Etoke, Connecticut College, USA