228 Transparency and Participation vs. Effectiveness

Contradictions and paradoxes of the EU regulatory framework
Friday, July 10, 2015: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
J104 (13 rue de l'Université)
In this panel, different participation frameworks will be discussed in order to highlight whether and to what extent the use of the new modes of governance is putting the participatory demands of European citizens under pressure and to which extent participation and transparency, two fundamental values of the EU legal order, should be limited to enhance a more effective delivery of EU policies. The first paper discusses the lack of transparency as a serious limitation to public participation, with a particular focus on the European Food and Safety Authority. The second paper will focus instead on national-level participation and will consider the importance of participation in the implementation of EU law. By using the environmental policy field, the paper will present a case study showing whether citizens’ participation can contribute to a better application of EU law. The last paper will focus on the Commission, in its role as as guardian of the Treaties. The aim will be to assess whether the lack of participation and transparency in the Commission’s actions is necessary to achieve a more efficient management of violations of EU law by Member States and private actors.
Mariolina Eliantonio
Discussant :
Martijn Groenleer