056 Methodological Dilemmas and Approaches to Studying Radicalism and Violence

Studying Violence and Radicalism across the Disciplines
Wednesday, July 8, 2015: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
S08 (13 rue de l'Université)
This panel explores a range of methodological approaches to the study of radicalism and violence across disciplines, drawing on the panelists' recent qualitative and quantitative empirical work.  Individual papers report on studies grounded in the analysis of iconography and visual data; of survey data; of historical case studies (event history analysis); and of mixed methods data including interview data and document analysis in addition to quantitative data.  Through a focused discussion with the panel moderator, panelists will discuss methodological challenges and dilemmas to conducting research on radicalism and violence in Europe.
Fabian Virchow
Discussant :
Fabian Virchow
What Can We Learn from the Iconography of Violence?
Cynthia Miller-Idriss, American University