165 Corruption as a Threat to a Sustainable Europe

Thursday, July 13, 2017: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Court/Senate (University of Glasgow)
Sustainability of a democratic, unified Europe depends on both the responsiveness of governments to their citizens’ preferences and the continued integration of Eastern Europe with Western Europe.  Corruption poses a potential threat to both of these dimensions of sustainability. The use of public office for private gain challenges responsiveness as politicians and bureaucrats put their own interests above citizens’ well-being.  Enduring Soviet-era patterns of corruption in East European countries could hamper integration.  The five papers on this panel assess these potential threats.  In separate papers,  Bågenholm and Sikk each explore to what extent electoral accountability hinders corruption and thus supports responsive government in Europe.  Broms, Dahlström and Fazekas investigate whether the trend to improve efficiency in public service delivery through outsourcing and public procurement has resulted in increased corruption and therefore less responsive government.  McMann examines to what extent the quality and quantity of corruption in Eastern Europe is different from that in Western Europe, shedding light on both responsiveness and the potential for successful integration.  Pop-Eleches and Robertson’s paper illuminates these issues as well, through an examination of the results of police reform in Ukraine.
David Rueda
Herbert Kitschelt and Isabela Mares
Outsourcing, Public Procurement, and Corruption Risk
Rasmus Broms, University of Gothenburg; Carl Dahlström, University of Gothenburg; Mihaly Fazekas, University of Cambridge
Corruption in Eastern Europe: A Challenge to a Common European Home?
Kelly McMann, Case Western Reserve University
Police Reforms and Corruption Perceptions in Ukraine
Grigore Pop-Eleches, Princeton University; Graeme Robertson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
See more of: Session Proposals