263 National Narratives and the EU: Towards Union or Disunion

Friday, July 14, 2017: 2:00 PM-3:20 PM
WMP Yudowitz Seminar Room 1 (University of Glasgow)
The future of the EU has seldom looked so uncertain. Since the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty brought a tense decade of constitutional reform to a close, the EU has confronted a series of challenges that have divided national governments and proved apparently intractable.  Against the background of a now voluminous scholarship on the causes of the crises and the search for solutions to them, this panel and the wider project on which it is based focuses on the official narratives used by member state governments to explain and justify EU membership. Its purpose is to assess the impact of the crises on these narratives and to explore what common ground, if any, exists between national narratives as a basis for EU action. It addresses three questions. First, how, if at all, have established national narratives, including policy-specific narratives, been affected by the crises? Second, is there is evidence of convergence, overlap or divergence between narratives, or do they remain as divergent as they have always been? Third, are there identifiable groupings of countries sharing similar narratives? If so, what links them: a particular vision of the EU as a political organization, shared views on economic management and budgetary rigour, or common attitudes towards migrants? More broadly, the panel aims to fill an important gap in the literature by examining how national narratives have evolved, assessing the importance of these narratives at both domestic and EU-level, and assessing national narratives as a previously unexplored factor in explaining European integration.
Hussein Kassim
Discussant :
Hussein Kassim
New Parties' Supporters in Post-Crisis Europe
Hugo Marcos, Universidad de Salamanca; Carolina Plaza, Universidad de Salamanca; Iván Llamazares, Universidad de Salamanca; Margarita Gomez-Reino, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
See more of: Session Proposals