210 Institutionalization of sustainable development as norm and narrative

European and Global Dimensions of Sustainability
Friday, July 14, 2017: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
Forehall (University of Glasgow)
Papers are welcomed that deal with all facets of sustainability in socio-political, economic and environmental development in- and outside of Europe. Public policies have since long sought to determine the optimal balance between these various dimensions to promote sustainable development, a need that at the political level was recently emphasized through the adoption of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.

Research topics may include critical reflections on the state of affairs in EU and UN sustainability policies, asking questions such as: Where do we stand? How sustainable (and/or resilient) is Europe as a political project and economic space? Where are risks and weaknesses? Which forms of sustainability-cooperation can be identified, what are the prospects?  What needs to be done? Which innovative instruments of global/regional cooperation can be identified which can be used to advance sustainability concerns and what is known about their effectiveness?

Christine Hackenesch
Discussant :
Christine Hackenesch
Human Security in EU Foreign Policy: Lessons from the Asia Pacific
Evangelos Fanoulis, Metropolitan University Prague