209 Current controversies on health inequalities in Europe

The Politics and Sociology of Health Inequalities
Friday, July 14, 2017: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
Kelvin Gallery (University of Glasgow)
As a group, the presenters address issues of health equity as related to recent developments in trade, migration, labor markets, regional development strategies, and social policy. All are pressing topics in a new wave of social-epidemiological research that investigates macroscopic causes of health inequities. Such research has tended to travel on its path, largely separated from intellectual currents at CES. We aim to develop the dialogue.
Julia Lynch
Discussant :
Paulette Kurzer
Current Controversies on Health Inequalities in Europe II
 Meri Koivusalo, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Current Controversies on Health Inequalities in Europe
Sigrun Olafsdottir, University of Iceland