When Anthropologists Objectify

Thursday, March 29, 2018
Wright (InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile)
Olga Sezneva , University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Because of this unconventional format, the proposed panel will not have a fixed list of papers and presenters, save for Susan Ossman (US-Riverside) and Olga Sezneva (University of Amsterdam) acting as MC’s. Two or three other members of the collective will introduce their own artistic work, and presenters will enact her/his double ‘other’(as an artist/scholar). The session will conclude with a short, interactive performance involving the audience.

Olga Sezneva is a sociologist at the University of Amsterdam, whose work focuses on migration, mobility and cultural encounters. She has written widely on forced migration and resettlement after World War II. Her artistic collaborations include the production of the film The Wings of Migrants with Natalia ‘Gluklya’ Pershina. Between 2011 and 2016, she co-directed the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies.