030 Governance, politics and values in the post-crisis European Union. How to renew our teaching in EU studies?

Crisis-hardened EU Governance
Wednesday, March 28, 2018: 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Center Court (InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile)
The European Union (EU) was not made all at once and its finalité politique has always been disputed. Its institutional architecture and policies are and have always been subject to continuous, abrupt or incremental change. For many, the EU has evolved through crises. For others, some crises have been more profound than others altering significantly (or not) the path of EU’s political, social, legal and economic integration. While previous narratives of EU integration put forward the idea that ‘more Europe’ and ‘more integration’ were the unique legitimate solutions to a wide range of domestic crises, in contrast, over the last decades, ‘less Europe’ and even claims for exit from the EU gained increased visibility in many EU member states. The organisers of this panel believe that the EU as it is today cannot be taught as it was. This panel invites contributors to see how teaching in EU studies can be renewed. The panel start from the assumption that not only European integration (as a political project) needs to be rethought, but also the EU’s institutional framework as well as the evolutions of its main policies need to be reassessed in the light of the recent transformations.
Ramona Coman
Discussant :
Vivien A Schmidt
Social Policy and Rising Inequalities: Squaring the Circle between Austerity and Investment?
Amandine Crespy, Institut d'études européennes - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Policy Communities and Regulatory Networks
Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School; Jacob Adam Hasselbalch, Copenhagen Business School
North and South, East and West: Is It Possible to Bridge the Gap?
Dorothee Bohle, European University Institute; Kristin Makszin, Hungarian Academy of Sciences