129 Gender Equality in the Labour Market from an European and Comparative Perspective

Wednesday, June 26, 2013: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
C3.17 (Oudemanhuispoort)

General description of the panel: Gender Equality in the Labour Market from a European and Comparative Perspective

Despite the vast EU legislation and policies on gender equality, there is persistent gender discrimination in the EU labour market. The gender pay gap remains stagnant at 17% average in the EU and family responsibilities are not equally shared between men and women. As a result women have more frequent career breaks and part-time workers are mainly female. All these factors lead to economic dependency of women and result in lower pensions and higher poverty rates for female workers. The position of women as a vulnerable group within the labour market will be considered both from a legal and social-science perspectives. There will be a presentation explaining how Dutch local policies, funded by the ESF, are used as an innovative tool to (re)integrate inactive women back to the labour market. Furthermore, the problem of the under-representation of women in decision-making positions will also be examined. The multiple and complex reasons for that under-representation of women in positions of responsibility in politics and business will be discussed, as well as, the EU legislation and policies adopted to try to counteract that inequality. Moreover, a paper will be presented analysing how the Directive on Equal Treatment for men and women, allowing positive action measures in favour of the under-represented sex, has been transposed by the Spanish Law 3/2007 on Real Equality for men and Women. The impact of this law introducing pioneering instruments aimed to promote equality between men and women in the labour market and in managerial positions will be assessed.

Klara Boonstra
Bart Vanhercke
Feminization of Employment Precariousness
Klara Boonstra, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Positive Action in EU Gender Equality Law and Policy: Women in Decision Making Positions
Nuria Elena Ramos Martin, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Some Remarks On the Spanish Law 3/2007 for Real Equality of Women and Men in the Labour Field
Antonio Garc�a-Munoz Alhambra, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
See more of: Session Proposals