162 Waves of Contentious Politics and their Consequences: 1848 in Comparative Perspective

Thursday, July 9, 2015: 11:00 AM-12:45 PM
S2 (28 rue des Saints-Pères)
Most studies of the cross-national diffusion of popular protests focus on a single wave; the countries that join the dynamic; and factors that propel the spread of change. This panel compares the revolutions of 1848 with subsequent waves of popular mobilizations and focuses on factors that deter and end waves, as well as resistance to change following these political upheavals.
Dorothee Bohle
Discussant :
Mark Beissinger
Hybrid Regimes and Hybrid Interventions: Putin and Milosevic
Valerie Bunce, Cornell University; Aida Hozic, University of Florida
See more of: Session Proposals