199 Offshore Europe on the Move: The Dynamics of Euro-Caribbean Societies and Politics in the XXIst Century (Part 3)

Offshore Europe on the Move: The Dynamics of Euro-Caribbean Societies and Politics in the XXIst Century
Thursday, July 9, 2015: 4:00 PM-5:45 PM
H202B (28 rue des Saints-Pères)
Peter Clegg
Discussant :
Edenz Maurice
A Sociology of Business Owners in Martinique
Audrey Célestine, Université Lille 3 UFR Angellier; Aurélie Roger, University of the French West Indies and Guyana
Class Takes Place: Group-Making and Transatlantic Elite Sociability in St. Barts
Bruno Cousin, University of Lille 1; Sébastien Chauvin, University of Amsterdam