Constitutional Challenges Concerning Migration Crisis - the Case of Hungary

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Wright (InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile)
Lorant Csink , Department of Constitutional Law, Pázmány Péter Katolikus University in Budapest, Hungary
Migration has always been an issue in Europe; for centuries Europe has seemed to be a safe place for refugees from East and South. However, the migration crisis started in 2015 is different from the previous ones in several aspects. The attitudes of the different EU Member States are not unanimous. Some would welcome all migrants some others would rather close their borders. The presentation focuses first on the different attitudes and intends to reveal the different background philosophies. Both the EU and national legislators have become active in this field. Hungary introduced a special legal order for migration crisis and made important amendments to its legal system. Besides the legislative steps, there have also been some other political and legal measures both on national and supranational level. The presentation attempts to sum up all important elements and makes guesses on the possible outcome.
  • migration.docx (26.2 kB)